How to say “smoking” in Chinese?
"吸烟 (xīyān) Smoking" is very popular among many people in the world. Want to learn some useful Chinese expressions about "吸烟 (xīyān) smoking?”Listen to the dialogue and learn to speak popular daily Chinese now!
Màikè, nǐ xīyān ma?
A:麦克, 你吸烟 吗?
Mike, do you smoke?
Bù, wǒ guòqù shìgè yānmín. Dàn wǒ yǐjīng jièyān bànnián le.
B:不,我 过去 是个 烟民。 但 我 已经 戒烟 半年 了。
No, I used to be a heavy smoker. But it’s been half a year since I last smoked.
Zhùhè nǐ jièyān chénggōng le! Jiānchízhù!
A:祝贺 你 戒烟 成功 了! 坚持住!
Congratulations on giving up smoking! Hang in there!
烟民 (yānmín) n. smoker
戒烟 (jièyān) to give up smokingAdded (2012-08-29, 5:27 AM)
wow ,so useeful expression and thanks for sharing